School statement 
  • To provide a quality learning environment and a diverse curriculum to nurture our students through opportunities of exploration, presentation and creativity. In turn, help them develop confidence and adaptation in this changing world, and to provide a solid foundation for future learning.
  • To encourage independent thinking in our students, as well as expressing their thoughts and ideas.

School mission

Our Children : 

Our school curriculum is designed to help students develop their physical and mental capabilities. We focus on promoting health, proper conduct and practical living skills. Through diverse learning activities and exploration, we encourage our students to think independently, to discuss with each other, and to engage and participate; in order to help them develop in multiple aspects of learning. 

For parents : 

To encourage collaboration between home and school, as well as parent and student relationships. Our school established the Parent and Teaching Association; the group organizes and host school and family activities regularly. Our on-site social worker is also here to provide consultation and guidance for parents and students respectively. 

Teaching Staff: 

All teaching staff, including English and Mandarin teachers, as well as our social worker hired by our school are professionally qualified educators. They have the teaching experience and responsibility to provide the best possible care and guidance our students require.