
Glass Bottle Recycling Programme

Glass Bottle Recycling Programme


Glass Bottle Recycling Programme 
Let’s be Green Recycle Glass Bottles
Let’s support glass bottle recycling
Hong Kong generates around 100,000 tonnes of (i.e. over 100 million) waste glass bottles every year. Since glass is chemically inert and stable, it can hardly decompose and biodegrade. Upon disposal, glass would occupy landfills permanently and thus deplete valuable landfill space.
The high chemical stability of glass makes it suitable for reusing and recycling. In theory, glass can be recycled indefinitely without affecting its quality.

Recycling glass would not only reduce waste disposal and relieve pressure on our landfills, but also conserve natural resources. It can help reduce the consumption of natural river sand and thus minimize the ecological and environmental damages caused by extracting river sand from riverbeds.

The "Glass Bottle Recycling Programme" jointly organized by the Correctional Services Department, Po Leung Kuk and Green Environmental Protection aims to train students to establish correct environmental values from an early age. Through various types of awards and competitions, they arouse students' environmental awareness and start from school and family, and work together to contribute to the earth.

Recycled glass application
The collected glass bottles will mostly be crushed into glass sand and used for production of eco-pavers and other suitable construction materials. Such eco-pavers have been used in various public works projects.

Glass Bottle recycling Pocket                                   Glass Bottle recycling Bin

Glass Accepted

1. Mineral Water Bottles

2. Juice or Soft Drink Bottles

3. Wine or Beer Bottles

4. Other Clean Glass Bottles

Glass Not Accepted

1. Mirrors, Tempered glass and Windows

2. Cooking and Dining Ware

3. Light Bulbs and Fluorescent Lamps

4. Bottles with Drugs and Chemicals

5. Non-Glass Items e.g. ceramics and crystals

How You can Participate

1. Separate used glass bottles from other waste at source;

2. Make sure that glass bottles are emptied and rinsed;

3. Make sure that glass bottles do no contain any liquid or food residues and free from other contamination;

4. Remove the metal/plastic caps, lids or neck rings where possible; and

5. Place clean and empty glass bottles into the glass recycling bins.

                         Step 1                                                                              Step 2

                          Step 3                                                                             Step 4

                            Step 5                                                                            Step 6

                           Step 7                                                                            Step 8