
School curriculum speciality

Project Approach


Project Approach 
The child-centered learning model, its content, form and direction of activities are all implemented and evolved according to children's interests, performance and suggestions. In this approach the teacher will select the subject matter of learning, course plan, and flow chart, arrange outdoor visits or watch related short videos, collect relevant information, books, pictures, reports, publications, or interview related characters, so that children can obtain first-hand information and discuss with what they have learnt with the class. They brainstorm how to conduct a thematic web, and finally conduct evaluation and reflection.

The entire exploration process includes questions, predictions, hypotheses, experiments, explorations, discussions, and reading. Children are invited to collect data together, use materials required for art creation, make statistics, records, charts, and even display children’s exhibition works, etc. The most important focus is the learning process. Children can learn from experience to interact with others, learn to express with words and share opinions. The whole process enhances children's self-confidence and creativity.